WoundRounds®, a wound care technology solution provider, would like to invite you to participate in a series of educational webinars. Presented by industry experts, these free, one-hour webinars are held regularly and open to all. We cover a range of topics from compliance issues to how to be more efficient with your time. Our webinars are loaded with useful information and tips to help you improve your wound care process.
Webinar: F314 from a Surveyor’s Perspective When: Tuesday, May 10, 2016 Time: 2pm ET/1pm CT/ 11am PT
SCHAUMBURG, ILL. (PRWEB) July 7, 2020 Telemedicine Solutions LLC today released TeleWoundSTAT®, an embedded telemedicine module, within its market-leading WoundRounds app to help nurses at the bedside launch wound consults, with off-site wound experts, at …
SCHAUMBURG, ILL. (PRWEB) APRIL 27, 2020 The New York Times reported on Friday, Apr. 17, 2020 that 20% of all COVID-19 virus deaths were related to nursing homes. In addition, The New York Times review …
Schaumburg, Illinois (For Release Aug, 29, 2016) –WoundRounds®, the leading wound management solution, has announced their comprehensive wound documentation system is now available as a mobile app. The mobile app is available for WoundRounds clients …
Schaumburg, Illinois (March 17, 2016) – WoundRounds®, the leading wound management solution, announces a unique built-in tool for scheduling Braden Risk Assessments. The new scheduler allows wound care clinicians to monitor and individualize patient risk …
Our wound care has improved with WoundRounds. I expect to see increases in our quality outcomes and financial outcomes as we grow our wound patient census.”Case Study
CEO Jennifer Wallace
WoundRounds saves our nursing team time in documenting and reporting wounds. Our payroll reflects an 18% savings after implementing WoundRounds.”Case Study
Mary Bollich, BSN, Chief Nursing Officer, AMG Specialty Hospital Lafayette
At Burgess Square Health Centre, our ROI on annual overtime nursing expenses alone outweighs the cost of our wound management solution. Case Study
CEO John Vrba
Jonette Prince, RN, BSN
Director of Nursing, Bronzeville Park Skilled Nursing Center
WoundRounds has proven to be the best program of any type in the nursing home business, and I can say this after seeing the best in charting, billing and payroll systems. WoundRounds has everything you would want and more.Case Study
Administrator Brian Hensgens, Acadia St Landry Guest Home
WoundRounds is providing great clinical and economic outcomes to our facility. WoundRounds has provided the payoff we hoped to achieve. Case Study
Executive Director Thomas Widney, Wexner Heritage Village
Before implementing WoundRounds® we were depending upon our enterprise systems to automate our wound management processes. But we’ve learned that neither of our enterprise systems featured the richness of WoundRounds—such as the integration of photos, the ability to compare a wound over time, or the PDA which gives nurses more freedom over a laptop at bedside. You can upload anything into an EMR, but WoundRounds® has showed us the value in integrating wound management.
Director of Clinical IT Symphony Post-Acute Network
The time that WoundRounds® will save, could allow more attention to patient and family education. The system moves the nurse from the nurse station to the bedside, improving quality, safety, and satisfaction of both nurses and patients.
Director of Quality & Patient Safety
With WoundRounds, we are catching wounds earlier in the patient’s stay.
…for our annual State Survey, there were NO questions asked regarding issues with wounds or care plans, and NO tags [fines] issued
What used to take me hours, days and weekends, now takes me minutes. When you use WoundRounds you are on-target, on top of things.
RN, Asst. Director of Nursing
I can’t begin to tell you how much I appreciate these reports…it saves me an immense amount of time
Director of Clinical Services
This program is a godsend! We would be totally sunk without WoundRounds® with the number of wounds we have.
Wound Care RN
I implemented WoundRounds because I found that my ‘most expensive’ nurses were spendingAll Rights Reserved. too much time on trivial, administrative tasks.
The depth and richness of data about wound management and risk prevention that WoundRounds offers augments long-term care EMRs extremely well for providers with a wound management focus.
Healthcare Analytics Consultant RN, RAC-CT, CHC
The reports help focus our attention on problem areas and provide better wound care. We can see trends in PUSH or Braden scores, and know where to focus our treatment plans such as on mobility or moisture issues. The physicians love the reporting too, because they can keep track of wounds, see trends from week-to-week, and pull up WoundRounds reports remotely using the online database.
BSN, RN, CWOCN Wound, Ostomy, Continence Nurse
Although we had only used WoundRounds for a few months, the system contributed to a successful, violation-free inspection by State surveyors. Everything they were looking for was right there—the history of the wound, as well as comprehensive information on wound improvement or regression; even a listing of the current Braden score on the wound documentation.
RN Director of Nursing
The single-most thing that I love about WoundRounds is its convenience. I leave work feeling like I didn’t forget anything because of all of the features that it has as far as the Braden and the PUSH…I know that it is done; I know that I didn’t forget to do it…I know I did it at the bedside.
Wound Care Nurse
From a risk management perspective, the electronic stamp on the photograph and identification is very beneficial. It answers the question about whether a wound was present upon admission. We now have photographic evidence that supports objective documentation.
MS, RN, WSS, RAC-CT Corporate Director of Clinical Support
This technology empowers our nurses to feel more confident with understanding risk levels. It’s now comfortable for them to make treatment decisions.
RN Director of Nurses
WoundRounds Clinical Study on clinical effectiveness and ease-of-use
WoundRounds WOCN Study on Quality Assurance & Performance Improvement (QAPI) for Wound Care
White paper about the landscape for Health IT in Long Term and Post Acute Care, sponsored by WoundRounds
WoundRounds Clinical on reducing and sustaining facility-acquired pressure ulcers