Telemedicine Solutions LLC today released TeleWoundSTAT®, an embedded telemedicine module, within its market-leading WoundRounds app to help nurses at the bedside launch wound consults, with off-site wound experts, at the touch of a button. Given the challenges facing healthcare providers to manage chronic wounds and prevent wound complications, telemedicine can fulfill a critical role to ensure nurses and other caregivers correctly document wounds and also deliver appropriate evidence-based treatments.
The coronavirus pandemic has disrupted the care delivery models for many healthcare providers, especially inpatient operations such as skilled nursing facilities and hospitals. Care for patients with chronic wounds, a highly-specialized practice, is made even more challenging by staffing shortages of credentialed wound care specialists as well as by the unique complications COVID-19 can pose not only to wound healing but also to preventing complications such as infection and pressure-related injuries.
According to the latest information from the National Pressure Injury Advisory Panel (NPIAP), the pathophysiology of COVID-19 can directly cause chronic wounds such as pressure injuries to worsen, the emergence of skin alterations which mimic the appearance of deep tissue pressure injuries, and can also cause increased susceptibility of patients to pressure injuries. Indirect effects of COVID-19 can include exacerbating proper wound management and prevention, including good nutrition, hydration, and a regular schedule of turning or “microshifting” patients to relieve pressure, and effective moisture control to prevent skin breakdown.
“Healthcare providers are more stretched than ever now with the challenges of COVID-19, and we want to ensure nurses at the bedside who need a little extra help documenting or treating a patient’s wound can quickly and easily connect with off-site wound experts,” said Mike Diamond, CEO of Telemedicine Solutions LLC.
TeleWoundSTAT can also serve as a powerful tool for clinicians who round to multiple facilities and have had COVID-19-related restrictions or limitations on access to facilities, to sustain their practice via safe and efficient “virtual rounds” to patients and residents in a wide range of healthcare facilities.
“Our customers are making heroic efforts to deliver the best care to their patients through this evolving crisis. We believe TeleWoundSTAT can not only help close a critical gap for the most challenged operations, but also provide an effective backstop of wound management oversight,” added Mike Diamond.
Telemedicine Solutions LLC is a mobile health technology company with a mission to improve the quality of life for people living with chronic diseases via simple apps designed to reduce the costs of care delivery and optimize patient care. WoundRounds, a service of Telemedicine Solutions, LLC, is the wound management and prevention solution that empowers clinicians to deliver better wound care in less time. WoundRounds drives consistency in nursing practice, completeness in wound documentation, and compliance with organizational policies and standards.
For more information about TeleWoundSTAT and WoundRounds, visit:
Tags: telemedicine, wound management, COVID-19 virus, nursing homes, virtual rounds, telehealth
Rhett Gustafson
Exec. Vice President, Finance and Strategic Development