With just the click of a mouse, your director of nursing can instantly view the overall situation regarding wound prevention and care
Information gathered at the bedside is transmitted to secure servers and centrally stored, so nursing directors can easily identify and monitor patients at risk for pressure ulcers and give them the extra attention they require.
And, thanks to extensive online assessment tools, your director of nursing can readily see which patients are healing appropriately and which ones need additional medical interventions, allowing him or her to proactively manage the quality of care in your facility.
WoundRounds is Ready for MDS 3.0. Are You?
WoundRounds puts complete, accurate documentation and reports at your fingertips. MDS Coordinators don’t need to sift through paper charts or navigate through computerized record to find wound-types, stages or measurements or to calculate wound healing and worsening trends.
MDS Coordinators simply enter the ARD date and the WoundRounds system populates a Section M worksheet for each resident automatically.
Wound Care Nurses
As a wound care nurse, gathering data is a time consuming process. Entering data multiple times, filling out paper forms and searching for past notes to complete required wound care documentation is inefficient and prone to error …
With just the click of a mouse, your director of nursing can instantly view the overall situation regarding wound prevention and care Information gathered at the bedside is transmitted to secure servers and centrally stored, so nursing directors can easily identify …
Pressure ulcers are a leading cause of avoidable expenses, costly survey violations and lawsuits. WoundRounds™ guides nurses through the wound care process and assures consistent, comprehensive wound assessments and documentation …