Cory FoscoGuest Post by Rick Redfield, PA-C One of the most effective ways for wound care professionals to effectively help patients experience the best possible environment to heal their wounds is to develop an individualized plan of …
Cory FoscoGuest Post by Rick Redfield, PA-C One of the most effective ways for wound care professionals to effectively help patients experience the best possible environment to heal their wounds is to develop an individualized plan of …
Cory FoscoRecent technological innovation is producing new products and services in nearly every field. Wound care is no different with several new products emerging to treat patients with pressure ulcers, deep tissue injuries and other wounds. …
Cory FoscoGuest Post by Rick Redfield, PA-C, is Director of Clinical Affairs at Telemedicine Solutions, LLC Skin debridement is not a new wound care technique. The term dates back to the 18th century when French surgeons would make …
Cory FoscoWhile this population represents the majority of wound care cases, patients requiring treatment for a wound are not restricted by age. Health care professionals will invariably encounter a child with a wound, and even though …
Cory FoscoThe U.S. government projects that as many as 70 percent of people reaching age 65 will require some form of long-term care during their lives. Even though the need for long-term care has increased Americans …